SEND Show 2022

ZAP is really pleased to be an exhibitor at SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Show 2022 in London, UK.
Research from around the world show that not enough children are sufficiently physically active, at the same time as obesity is on the increase. While, the mental health of our children is being better understood, with improved detection and nuance to the diagnosis of their needs. These aspects, as well as the impact of Covid lock-downs, have lead to increased cases of mental health problems amongst our children. Additionally, increased use of addictive social media and more screen time in general has had a negative impact on the amount and quality of sleep children are experiencing. In turn, reduced sleep is shown to have negative consequences on physical and mental health. All together, these issues can have a negative spiral effect on childhood health that leads into life-long health conditions.
Governments, health institutions and education bodies together with various community organizations are investing to try to combat several of the symptons of this negative health spiral affecting many of our children. Understandably, but unfortunately the majority of these programs are aimed at the majority or the part of the child population that represent the "norm".
The data for the UK and across the EU shows that just over half of children obtain the WHO recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day. However, the percentage drops dramatically for teenage boys and even more so for teenage girls. To combat the drop off and particularly for girls, government and community wide programs are being enacted to help. To date these programs target mainly organized sports and activities whereas the children mostly needing this support might be found elsewhere.
Children with special educational needs and disabilities are often left out of these programs by either design or because these children don't enjoy the normal organized sport activities. For children with disabilities the possibility of joining most organized child activities can be quite challenging. For many other children, perhaps it is the noise and number of participants that is tiring. Sensory overload of the physical contact in sports such as netball and football, or social pressures of understanding facial cues when trying to bond as a team could also be off-putting for these groups of children. Whatever the reason, these children with special educational needs are either being left out or are choosing to drop out, especially when they reach the teenage years.
ZAP ⚡️ is focused on helping those children who are different, who often find it hard to "fit in" or join in or who like to do things at their own pace. ZAP would like to create a stressfree environment for healthy habits, where friends can join together and encourage each other but without the stress of saying or doing the wrong thing, or misunderstanding and thinking someone has done something wrong to them.
This is why we are really excited by the opportunity to attend the SEND Show to talk to the SENDCo's (Special Education Needs Co-ordinators), education leaders and parent's of SEND kids. Come by and say hello. We can be found at stand 50.